Sunday, February 7, 2010

Plank vs. Speck

Wait, wait I think I see something in your eye...

I have begun to lose my focus. In trying to create a better school, I have failed to remove my plank, and the scene is quite comical!

Through rules, regulations, and regime I have tried to legislate a sense of Western Order...


I think that is #1 on the DON’T DO LIST in the Ghana Tourism Handbook! My bad Ghana!

The irony amidst all this nonsense is I don’t even like rules, and I am asking other people follow them?

Why... (confession) I am a pharisee... Once again, something I am working on!

Rewind...The backstory.

In hopes to create the best school in my community I began complying a list of rules and duties that would create some order out of chaos. Now, don’t get me wrong, my God loves order, but He also IS love, and His love comes to us without the strings of rules and regulations attached. In other words, you don’t have to be a good person for God to love you... He loves me right? And I refuse to eat fufu while living in the land of fufu, so enough said!

Back to the story.

So then after the rules were in place I realized that a list of rules doesn’t make the world (or a school for that matter) a better place. It only creates room for judgement and supremacy.

Did King Nebuchadnezzar’s threaten of a fiery furnace inspire three Judaean boys to submit? NO, in fact they said,

“Hey Neb...Burn US UP!”

Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (and yes I am using their non-Babylonian names... since it was the chief official under King Neb who forced those names upon them) said to King Nebuchadnezzar,

“Go ahead. Attempt to domesticate us with your rules and regime, threaten us with a blazing fire, but wait and see... because OUR God will rescue us, and even if He chooses not to, we will NEVER serve your gods!”

I see the rules I created as little gods that need to be served, and I am the grand puppeteer absurdly disillusioned to the fact that there are NO strings attached to my puppet. So now I am walking around like a fool with a plank protruding from my eye. HA!

I can mention your speck.. I can point it out, I can laugh at you for rubbing your eye and causing such a disturbance... but until I remove my plank it’s all quite comical!

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